About Us

We bring together the world’s brightest
to create the once unimagined.

We invest in the best to ensure
that Ytech delivers the best.

Together, we transform the physical into the
experiential, the luxurious into the exceptional. 

Crafting residences that are not just beautiful to behold, but better to live in requires a unique perspective and approach. Our sole focus is on curating an exceptional and impeccable living experience based on the needs and desires of the discerning buyer.

Vision & Audaciousness

Committed to mastery and obsessed with creating lasting value, we act as one to unlock the power of our shared vision, passion and perseverance.


Selfless pioneers, we continuously strive to outperform our own standards with resilience, skillful execution and uncompromising resolve.


At once leaders and devoted team players, we collaborate to intensify our artistry, mitigate risk, and achieve the unforgettable.

“Certain principles are fundamental to our success. The pursuit of excellence in everything we do, from our work to our relationships, is our primary pledge. It enables us to create a world-class company with a long-term view while building excitement and lasting value.


Yamal Yidios

About Yamal Yidios